Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bisa Masak Tapi Ga Suka Masak^^

Kering tempe. Merupakan salah satu makanan khas Indonesia yang juga makanan favoritku. Kalo aq di rumah, Ibu selalu memasakkan tempe kering ini untukku. Bahannya terbuat dari tempe yang sudah matang dan dipotong-potong kota kecil-kecil (sesuai selera sih^^). Pertama mo bikin, bingung dengan bumbunya. Soalnya di Korea, bawang merah susah nyarinya. Untung aja di dapur Mb Shinta semua bahan sudah tersedia.
Kenapa Kering Tempe ? seperti state di paragraf sebelumnya, this is my favorite food. I do really like it. Hari minggu kemaren pas di Masjid Busan, tiba-tiba pengen beli tempe. Karena klo cuman digoreng saja masih sisa banyak, akhirnya diputuskan bikin kering tempe. Setelah bergulat dengan diri sendiri (sedang puasa soalnyaT_T) dan menang melawan hawa nafsu, jadilah kering tempe favoritku itu. Dengan bangga ku publish hasil jerih payah ke social network. Do you know what they said?

Huaaaaaaaa...Why does everyone not believe that I can cook? Whyyyyyyyy? I can give them proof that I can cook. Actually, since I came here, I never cooked by myself^^. So everyone thinked that i can't cook. How mean T_T. I tell you this, I prefer eating rather than cooking:D. Artinya, gue bisa masak, tpi g suka masak^^. klo dimasakin? tentu dengan senang hati menerima^^. Buat Mb Shinta makasih banyak atas dapurnya.....

ps: even my vietnam friend said that my Kering Tempe was delicious^^. hohohoho, may be i do really a genius:p
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Monday, July 5, 2010

Oh... My... God!!!

Well, this is about my bad experience with Korean male. Actually I live with my friend. we rent a room in Ajumma house. The fact that you have to know is at that time, Ahjussi (Ajumma's husband) lived with us too. Even we get our room, we have to share the bathroom and the kitchen. And the story goes...

One day, early in the morning, I woke up. I had to pray Subuh. So I wore my jilbab, and run to the bathroom. At that time, I saw the door wasn't locked. It was mean that there was no one inside. So, I tried to open the door. Oh...My...God!!! Astagfirullah.I hate this T_T. actually I dont wanna tell you about this. But I saw Ahjussi defecated while smoked. Ughhhhhh... I just closed the door immediately and said "sorry........". It was really embarrassing. The moral of the story is "always knock the door before you use the bathroom". Since then, I always knock the door. But.... A few days later.... Ahjussi didn't lock the door. Oh..My...God!!! and it happened twice... T_T. It was really shocking. I couldn't understand, why Ahjussi didn't want to lock, at least close the door. When I asked my roommate, she said "i've the same experience with you, but i had better luck with our Ajumma" iksssss....OH...MY... GOD....

Another story happened. In the middle of the night, I went home after helping my friends. I opened the gate, and..... OH..My..GOD... arrrrrrrrggggggg..why does this always happen to me T_T. I saw a male peed in front of Ahjumma's house. hueekkkkkksssss. Either me and him were really in a big shock. He stared at me. Because I've already inside the yard and i was exhausted, i decided to run to Ahjumma's house. He also run to my neighbor house. I heard he told his friends and they laughed together. I wanted to cry, Oh..My..God... and i was wondering why he didn't go to bathroom? whyyyyyyyyy? The moral of the story is "don't go at night during summer". unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen to me since the lab hours force me to come lateT_T.
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Seperti judulnya "Start", ini adalah awalan ku dalam dunia perblog-an. ceritanya, sedang berusaha mengasah kemampuan dalam bidang tulis-menulis. mohon kepada siapa saja yang mengunjungi blog ini, dapat memberikan komentar, masukan, kritik dan saran bagaimana mengekspresikan sesuatu lewat tulisan agar menarik untuk dibaca dan meninggalkan kesan yang berarti bagi pembacanya. sekali lagi..mohon bantuannya. matur suwun^^. Let's start..... Read More..